The secure and convenient way for cash customers to pay.

What is 1Voucher?

1Voucher offers businesses a secure, prepaid payment method, reducing fraud risks and chargebacks while giving access to 29 million cash-paying customers.

Benefits of 1Voucher

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How does 1Voucher work with Netcash

Why Businesses Should Accept 1Voucher

Activate 1Voucher for your customers

Chat to us about your payment needs or apply for your account now.

What do merchants need to apply for 1Voucher?


Where can customers buy 1Voucher?
1Voucher is available at a range of retail and online stores nationwide. View the full list on their website here.
What denominations can 1Vouchers be purchased in?
1Voucher is available in denominations of a minimum of R1 to a maximum of R4,000 at all retailers and platforms that sell them. However, PEP stores currently only sell vouchers in denominations of R50, R70, R100, and R200.
Where can 1Voucher be redeemed?
1Vouchers can be redeemed for goods and services online and in stores, including retail, grocery, healthcare, entertainment, betting, travel, connectivity and more. See the full list of partners on their website here.
Does 1Voucher charge transaction fees?
For your customers, they can buy and redeem the full value of the voucher without transaction fees. For merchants, you will pay a set fee per transaction to Netcash. Contact us for the latest rates.
How do I add 1Voucher as a payment option?
You can activate 1Voucher via your Netcash account, if you have Pay Now active as a service. Contact us if you need assistance.
How do I get paid for 1Voucher transactions?
Once the voucher is redeemed, Netcash will pay the amount into your Netcash account.
How long does it take to receive 1Voucher payments into my Netcash account?
Once a 1Voucher payment is redeemed, you're notified instantly. Netcash settles the amount into your merchant account in 24 hours or the next business day, ensuring smooth cash flow for your business.

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