The secure and convenient way for cash customers to pay.
What is 1Voucher?
1Voucher offers businesses a secure, prepaid payment method, reducing fraud risks and chargebacks while giving access to 29 million cash-paying customers.
Benefits of 1Voucher

Completely secure voucher payments

Readily available to and recognisable by cash customers

Voucher redemptions are paid into your Netcash account
Want to know more?
Speak to our payments advisors or apply for your account today.
How does 1Voucher work with Netcash

Step 2
Customers will be asked to enter their unique 16-digit voucher pin to complete payment.

Step 3
Success! The customer’s voucher is redeemed, and the full purchase amount is paid into your Netcash account. If the purchase total is lower than the voucher value, Netcash automatically issues a new voucher for the balance, keeping payments seamless.
Why Businesses Should Accept 1Voucher
No chargebacks or fraud risks (prepaid security).
Easy access to funds in Netcash.
Expanding customer reach (people without bank cards can buy online).
Activate 1Voucher for your customers
Chat to us about your payment needs or apply for your account now.
What do merchants need to apply for 1Voucher?

An active Netcash account

Activate Pay Now as a service

Activate 1Voucher on Pay Now as one of your payment options.

Let us contact you
Complete your details below and a Payment Advisor will contact you to discuss your payment needs.