A Secure & Efficient Salary Payment System for Businesses of All Sizes

Netcash’s salary payments service integrates seamlessly with multiple payroll software providers, making payments a simple, secure, and effortless process.
No matter the bank or number of payments, you have peace of mind knowing that salary payments will be processed securely and on time with our payroll payment solutions.

Take the stress out of payments

Chat to us about your needs or apply for your account today.

FEATURE Netcash Salary Payments Traditional Payroll Payments
Speed Same-day & Dated payments available Usually takes 2-3 days
Security OTPs & 2FA authentication Manual approvals prone to errors
Automation Integrated with payroll software Requires manual bank uploads
Error Handling Real-time bank account validation No built-in validation

Why Choose Netcash for Salary Payment & Payroll Processing?

For a business to transfer their entire salary bill into a company’s account, they must be trustworthy. Given Netcash’s experience, history and endorsement by the major banks, I believe they are payment leaders in South Africa.

Anton van Heerden Managing Director | DNA Outsourcing

Ready to take your payroll to the next level?

Speak to our payments advisors or apply for your account today.

Seamless Payroll & Salary Payment Software Integration

We’ve integrated with payroll software providers to deliver market-leading salary payment services. Say goodbye to risky emailing of payment files - simply connect your Netcash account with your existing payroll software to save time, increase accuracy and mitigate risk.

Connect your payroll with Netcash today.

Chat to us about your payment needs or apply for your account now.

Salary Payments Cost Calculator – See Your Savings

Your current cost per payment (R)

Number of payments per month

What does your bank currently charge you per payment?

How many payments do you do per month?

Contact us for 1001+ payments for a personalised savings calculation.

Ready to save time and money with Netcash?

Chat to us for a custom quote, or apply for your Netcash account today.

Salary Payments & Payroll Processing FAQs

Can I make salary payments to employees?
Yes, you can process secure salary payments through Netcash, either via direct upload or by integrating with payroll software. Choose between Same-Day, Dated, or Real-Time Clearance (RTC) salary payments to ensure on-time payments for all employees, regardless of their bank. Chat to us for more information.
Can I schedule recurring salary payments?
While you can schedule separate payment batches up to 4 months in advance of when they will be paid, you are not able to schedule a single, recurring salary payment batch each month for example. This is because of the varying nature of a company’s payroll - anything could change per employee from month to month such as bank account details, payment amount, employment status, etc. Chat to us for more information.
How many authorisers do I need to set for a payment batch?
You can set any number of users on your Netcash account as an authoriser. Get in touch with your account manager to set this up.
What are the cut off times for salary payments?
Payment Cut-Off Times
  • Same day payments batch
    • Funds will be available in the beneficiaries bank account the next day, value-dated for the (same day) payment date.
    • The processing cut-off time is 13h00 on the payment day.
    • Valid payment dates are Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
  • Dated payments batch
    • All payments are reflected in all accounts on the payment day.
    • Processing cut-off time is 13h00 one business day before payment day and 13h00 on Friday for Saturday and Monday’s batches.
    • Valid payment dates are Monday to Saturday (excluding public holidays).
What software is integrated with Netcash for salary payments?
Netcash is integrated with a number of payroll and accounting software providers. You can view the full list here.

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